Invisible protection, superior liquid repellency
and easy cleaning for car seat surfaces
Our commitment in action

Invisible protection, superior liquid repellency
and easy cleaning for car seat surfaces
Nano4-Carseat® is a water-based nanotechnology product and it is completely environmentally friendly. After applying the product and upon completion of the curing process (24 hours), a thin layer of SiO2 (silicon dioxide) seals the protected area.
If you wish to protect your fabric car seats from getting soiled, wet or dirty accidentally, you can always rely on Nano4-Carseat®. This innovative nanotechnology product offers invisible protection for your car seats against water, dirt and stains. Nano4-Carseat® does not affect the look, feel, colour or breathability of the textile. It easy to clean and completely safe for skin contact. Nano4-Carseat® covers every single fiber with an invisible, non-adhesive coating. The product protection prevents dirt form sticking on the textile. It also blocks the absorption of mud from the fibers.
Stains from hot or cold liquids, such as water, coffee, wine, oil, syrup, ketchup and sauces, are easily removed from every fabric over which Nano4-Carseat® is applied. Simply by dabbing with an absorbent cleaning cloth, wet stains vanish, and the fabric goes back to its original state, as if never stained.
Nano4-Carseat® is certified: (Click here to see all of our certifications)
a) As an ECOLOGY product from Hohenstein Textile Testing Institute GmbH & Co. KG that can be used for the production of human-ecological optimized textiles under the specifications of the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, product classes l-lV.
b) According to ISO 11507 (artificial weathering with fluorescent UV lamps according to method A for different coatings on textile) by Polymer Service GmbH Institute.
c) According to DIN EN 20811:1993 (determination of resistance to water penetration - test under hydrostatic pressure) by Technalia Institute Spain.
d) According to DIN EN ISO4920:2013 (determination of the fabric resistance to wetting) by Technalia Institute Spain.
e) According to DIN BS 7209:1990 (water vapour permeability) by Technalia Institute Spain.
f) According to DIN UNE-EN ISO 105-B02:2013 (colour fastness to artificial light Xenon arc fading lamp test) by Tecnalia Institute Spain.

On what surfaces it can be applied:
Fabric car seats
Car carpets
Car headliners
Baby car seats
Car fabric covers
Door panels
Seat covers
Car pet carriers
Product Qualities:
Waterproofing and easy removal of stains and dirt from textile surfaces
Contains no silicone, wax or oil
100% ecological - certified with ECO passport from Hohhenstein Institute
Extremely strong coating
100% invisible protection
Surfaces will be easy to clean after application
Does not affect the look, feel or breathability of the fabric
Safe for skin contact
Antibacterial protection
Eco-friendly and money-saving reducing use of chemical detergents by up to 90%

Target Customers:
Car owners
Car manufacturers
Hotels and restaurants
Cruise ships and boats
Sports clubs
Hospitals (ambulance)
Community (public transportation)
Car supply stores
Petrol station stores
Pet shops
Application Method:
Clean the fabric prior to using Nano4-Carseat® to avoid blocking dirt and stains under the protective coating.
Spray with Nano4-Carseat® from a distance of 15cm and apply Nano4-Carseat® evenly over the surface you wish to protect. After applying the product, it takes 24 hours (at 20 °C) for the fabric to be fully cured. The time required for curing may vary depending on ambient temperatures. Do not attempt to accelerate the curing process. Allow the formation of bonds between the nanomaterials to ensure maximum repellency.
For alternative application, immerse the fabric into Nano4-Furniture®.
For detailed application instructions, please click here (APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS) to read our interactive brochure or to download the PDF file.

Duration of Protection:
Protection for regularly washed textiles may last between 20 and 30 washes. After that, re-apply Nano4-Carseat® to achieve the same results.
The quantity of the product per use depends on the application method and the surface porosity. In any event, the consumption will be between 30ml/m² and 200ml/m². This means that 1 litre can cover surfaces ranging from 5m² to 33m². An easy test to determine the amount of product required is to spray 1m² of the surface with plain water. The quantity of the water needed defines the exact consumption.
Qualità ISO 9001:2008
NANO4LIFE EUROPE L.P.® è un'azienda certificata ISO9001:2015 nella produzione di prodotti di nanotecnologia.
Durante il processo di sviluppo e produzione, investiamo molto tempo ed energie per determinare la valutazione del ciclo di vita (LCA) dei prodotti selezionati. L'LCA è lo standard globale per valutare l'impatto ambientale totale di un prodotto considerando tutti gli aspetti ambientali, compresi il consumo di risorse ed energia, le emissioni nell'aria, nell'acqua e nel suolo, nonché l'impatto sulla salute e sugli ecosistemi. LCA è ampiamente utilizzato dall'industria, dai governi e dalle organizzazioni non governative. Mettiamo questi studi a disposizione dei nostri clienti dopo il loro completamento nella convinzione che la trasparenza crea sostenibilità e fiducia.
La sicurezza dei prodotti è considerata di primaria importanza nella nostra azienda. Diverse misure interne e standard aziendali, che vanno regolarmente oltre i requisiti legali e quelli dei clienti, garantiscono la qualità e la sicurezza dei nostri prodotti.
Lavoriamo inoltre a stretto contatto con rinomate autorità di controllo indipendenti, istituti e laboratori per garantire la massima sicurezza dei prodotti.

Vogliamo essere sicuri che il cliente acquisti un prodotto genuino e funzionale.
Per questo motivo tutti i nostri prodotti sono sigillati con una protezione termoplastica.
Non comprare un prodotto se:
(a) Non è sigillato con una protezione termoplastica
b) Se trovate che la data di scadenza del prodotto è precedente alla data di acquisto
Ordina prodotti
Tutti i prodotti ΝΑΝΟ4LIFE® sono disponibili a magazzino e possono essere consegnati entro 24 ore in qualsiasi destinazione nel mondo. La consegna nei paesi europei può essere effettuata entro 1 giorno. Nel resto del mondo la consegna richiede circa 3 giorni con costi di trasporto molto bassi.
I pacchi disponibili sono: 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 1Litro, 4Litro, 20Litro, 200Litro, 200Litro, 1000Litro.
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